Tuesday, January 21st
River House Restaurant
3015 River Rd, Louisville, KY 40207
11:30am to 1:15pm
*Note headcount is due to restaurant in advance of meeting. RSVP by January 16th.
Economic Growth, Opportunity, and Quality of Place: Perspectives from the Mayor’s Chief of Staff
David Kaplan, Chief of Staff & General Counsel to the Office of Mayor Craig Greenberg
David Kaplan will provide an overview of various economic development projects and initiatives that Mayor Greenberg has prioritized during his Administration.
Registration begins at 11:30am to allow time for networking and socializing
Speaker presentations begin between 12:00pm – 12:15pm
Meetings normally conclude between 1:00pm – 1:15pm
Guests are welcome and encouraged to attend at a cost of $40. Please add your guest on the RSVP form.
In the event of a cancellation, you may contact Taylor Jolly: taylor.jolly@mercer.com